Meekness - The gift that keeps giving!
Meekness is the fact or condition of being meek, submissiveness. Enduring injury with patience and without resentment. Synonyms:...
Temptation is something none of us will ever live without. Each day we are faced with deciding to yield to temptation or to overcome it....
Abuse: Forgiving your Abuser and Yourself
Abuse is any behavior or action designed to control, intimidate, threaten, or injure another person. It is a misuse of power which uses...
Suicides among young people continue to be a serious problem in this county. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for children,...
No DeadBeats!
Father’s, I know sometimes we are very critical of you. I know sometimes you feel underappreciated and unloved. I know we very seldom...
Single Mother’s
To all the women that are raising kids on their own, without a father in the house, regardless of the situation. I want you to know you...
Resurrection - A Poem
I think of the lashes He took for me In all it was thirty-six plus three Nailed both hand and feet Catani tails ripped His meat Crown of...